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Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance (CEIAG)

Our Careers programme is offered to students from year 7 upwards that includes personal guidance, adopts a formal learning curriculum, that is spiralled and progressive to support our learners to plan and prepare for their future pathways and to make informed decisions about their future options.   

We use an award-winning careers platform as an interactive tool to support our students to develop skillsets, track their engagements and interactions, explore pathway routes in various industries, learn about labour market information, have access to virtual work experience and many more.  

Our students are supported to participate in CEIAG national events such as National Careers Week, National apprenticeship week, British Science week, STEM (science, technology, engineering and maths) and many more.   We ensure that our students are informed and learn about industry pathway routes, apprenticeship options, have interactions with Higher Education providers and encounters with employer's workshops. 

Our CEIAG Scrapbook

Please browse our Digital Careers Scrapbook to see an engaging and diverse collection of resources and insights designed to connect our pupils to the world of work and careers. Within these digital pages, we show how our online school integrates careers information advice and guidance into our lessons, providing our students with essential knowledge and skills to pave the way for their future success.